The Celestial Dragon
The Dragon is one of the most exotic and flamboyant of all Chinese astrological signs. Dragons are born leaders and masters of ceremonies. They are idealists, perfectionists, aggressive and determined.
A person born under the dragon is usually fashionable and can adapt to many different styles of life. Using their keen sense of imagination, Dragons are forever dreaming up fresh schemes and ideas for new adventures (which are mostly futile). Unfortunately, they often drive their friends crazy with their "wild" schemes that usually lead to nowhere. On the good side however, Dragon-types are also surrounded by good fortune, which saves them from making major mistakes. They are well suited to careers in the theatre, or any place that gives them a leading role.
To the Chinese, the Dragon is born in the most desirable year. Possessing magical powers, the versatile Dragon is capable of soaring to the highest heavenly heights or diving to the depths of the sea. On one hand shrewd, healthy and full of vitality, the Dragon also possesses a mystical side, intuitive, artistic and strangely lucky. However, Dragons can plunge pretty low, becoming irritable, stubborn and impetuous. The Dragon's mystical allure may become a bit too other worldly, making him or her difficult to get close to. A Dragon's unsatisfactory love life may lead to a string of loves and marriages. Believing themselves invincible, Dragons must beware of excesses, for with their uncommon strength, they can harm themselves, or "scorch their wings."
Although they have the potential for making lots of money, they spend it lavishly on their projects. Dragons are not well suited to growing old and losing power, they lose their temper easily.
Force and power are the symbols attributed to the Dragon. There is a decidedly exotic air about Dragon people, especially among the women, who fairly exude sexuality. Indeed, whether male or female, Dragons are libidinous and score quite a hit with the opposite sex.
Flexible and accommodating, they fit in with whatever is going on around them -- but for only as long as it suits them. This is because they are self-determined types and don't take kindly to being dominated by others. Although seemingly affable and agreeable, they can be as ferocious and dangerous as the mythical beast on whom the sign is based. Temperamentally, Dragons are somewhat hotheaded and quick-tempered; when angered they will give as good as they get. Dragons can also be hypercritical if things are not quite right or not up to their expectations. Dragons are idealists and perfectionists; they demand a lot and they give a lot.
Enthusiastic to the point of impetuosity, Dragons have big mouths. Their words overrun their thoughts, and their hearts run away with their heads. Intellectually, they are clever, bright, sharp people, yet on occasion they will throw all logic to the wind and follow their hunches. Fortunately for them, they are strong on intuition and invariably all works out well. In a confrontation, Dragons have a tendency to misjudge the situation, and are not too adept at extricating themselves from difficulties. Interestingly, no matter what surprises Fate may have in store, whatever difficulties or hardships these people may encounter along the road, Dragons will always ultimately land on their feet. They will be a success wherever they go, regardless of their chosen careers.
Dragons may devote themselves to a great cause or work, and if so, they will see it through to the end. This talent work two ways, as they can be equally devoted to a bad cause and equally successful in it. Dragons can't help but win!
This is undoubtedly due to the fact that of all the Chinese signs, those born under the influence of the Dragon are considered the luckiest of all and good fortune simply follows them wherever they go. Not only that, they also have the Midas touch. It is said that the Year of the Dragon is good for business and all moneymaking schemes. Consequently, those born in this year have an inherent knack for attracting money and they generally enjoy financial prosperity. The Chinese say that the Dragon leaves wealth and prosperity in his path. Hence, the Dragon leads the street processions during Chinese New Year. The Dragon brings the Four Benedictions of the East -- wealth, virtue, harmony, and long life.
The Stimulating Dragon
Romance for the Dragon is never simple, with one crazy state of mind following another, creating a series of highs and lows in his love life. There are two types of Dragon lovers: those who fall in love and commit themselves to a serious relationship when they are fairly young, and those who tend to be loners and perhaps never marry at all. In general, the former enjoy a stable and satisfactory married life while the latter flit from one love affair to another, never really giving any of them a chance to develop. Since Dragons are not prone to marrying young, many committed bachelors and spinsters are born under the influence of this sign; truthfully, the Dragon may be happier alone. In any partnership Dragon folk will first and foremost seek an intellectual rapport, because these people get as much of a charge from mental stimulation as they do from having sex. Of course they bring to any relationship their own inimitable touch of magic and that Dragon element of good fortune. But the male Dragon is perhaps happier in love than his female counterpart, for this, being a strongly masculine sign, often produces dominant women who tend to take over the relationship and rather blindly tread all over the sensitivities of their partners.
Women who are born under this sign are usually surrounded by admirers and very popular with the opposite sex. They are seldom disappointed in love.
The Monkey, Snake and Rat are dream partners for the Dragon; however, it is worth remembering that the only sign that can fool the Dragon is the Monkey. The Boar and Ox cannot deal with his excesses.