Controlling the input to a device is mainly done with a mouse/ touch pad, a touch screen, or a keyboard. Most devices have a way of accessing a keyboard either on screen or attached to the device. Many devices can also receive input by voice though a keyboard is still useful to correct mistakes and enter hard to recognize content.
Keyboards are made for most languages or can be switched to be used by languages other than Roman based languages.
The following chart displays the character symbols, name and Latin-1 number on a standard keyboard and their approximate position on the keyboard. All characters from any Roman based language can be created on any standard computer using the American Standard Code for Information Interchange or ASCII. Each character uses a single byte. Most computers and software also recognized American National Standards Institute's (ANSI) formatting standards as well. View the entire ISO Latin -1 Character Set.

~ ~: Tilde
! ! Exclamation Point
@ @ At
# # Number or Hash
$ $ Dollar
% % Percent
^ ^ Caret
& & Ampersand
* * Asterisk
( ( Open or Left Parenthesis
) ) Close or Right Parenthesis
_ _ Underscore or Horizontal Bar
+ + Plus
` ` Acute
- - Dash or Hyphen
= = Equals
| | Or or Vertical Bar
} } Close or Right Curly Brace
{ &#;123 Open or Left Curly Brace
\ \ Reverse Solidus or Backslash
] ] Close or Right Square Bracket
[ [ Open or Left Square Bracket
" " Quote
: : Colon
ยด &#;39 Apostrophe or Single Quote
; ; Semi Colon
? ? Question Mark
> > Greater Than
< < Less Than
/ / Solidus or Forward Slash
. . Dot, Period or Full Stop
, , Comma
Last updated: March 1, 2021